Ethical statement

Ethical statement

  • Ethics on the research

The Editorial Commettee will reject the publication of researches that break the ethic criteria that every research must meet. This journal uses the recommendations of the  Code of Conduct for Journal Editors  from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

If research carried out on human beings is presented, it must be expressly mentioned that the procedures were carried out by the ethical standards consistent with the Declaration of Helsinki; in the case that the investigations were carried out on animals, the use of the Guide for the care and service of laboratory animals of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine is recommended.


  • Publication ethics

According to COPE, every research:

  • Must be conducted in a ethic and responsible way.
  • Must be showed in a clear, honest, with no fabrication, falsification or manipulation of data.
  • Must include clear infromation about the methods, unambigueosly, wiht the purpose that the discoverys could be confirmed by external researchers (in case of research studies).
  • Must be original, no-plagiarism and haven't been published before in other journal.
  • Must state clearly that the authors assume colective responsabilities on the whole content of their publication.
  • Must reflect a correct relation between the authorship and the contribution of all the co-authors in the development of the research (not honorary authorship, ghost autorship, etc).
  • Must contain detailed information about the source of fundings and the conflicts of interest.

All the articles submited to the jorunal will be checked by Turnitin antiplagiarism system. In case of detecting plagiarism, the Editorial Commettee will decide the procedure to follow according to the COPE suggestions and could be rejected for publication.

In the event that any lack of ethic would be detected, during the revision process or after publication, the jorunal will act according to the COPE recommendations. The final decission could include the correction or retraction of the article by the authors, the Editorial Commettee reserve the right to inform the respectiv authorities or to other journal editors.

      • Autorship criteria

This journal will take into account the criteria for authorship of the Council of Science Editors, whereby the authors are individuals identified by the research group as having made substantial contributions to the research and agree to be taken into account for this contribution. On the other hand, an author must have confidence in the integrity of the contribution of his co-authors.

The role of each author should be included in the appropriate section of the article. In addition, all co-authors must have reviewed and approved the article.

The order of the authors must be according to their contributions: the first author should be the person who most work carry on and the last author should be reserved to the Main Researcher (or senior researcher) The identification of the authors is responsability of the persons who did the research and is not responsability of the Editorial Commettee.  In this way the researches must decide who contributed enough to the work to be considered author.

For further information about autorship and how to handle disputes, the guide published by COPE can be consulted.

      •  Peer review

The revision process will be entrusted to external experts on the field of the article, and at the same time external to the Editorial Commettee of the journal South Sustainability.

The articles submited to revision will be confidential during the process; thus, the reviwer can not leak out, comment or use the information included in them.

Besides evaluating the originality and the authenticity of the article, the reviewer provides a report including comments and suggestions for improvement. On the other hand the reviewer should report misconducts on the text in case of find them. The breach of this las point would be considered a serious foul.

In the case the reviewer report any conflict of interest, the Editorial Committee reserves the right of the exemption of the article evaluation.