Enter the bubble. Reflections on ethnographic work in mass shows during covid-19 pandemic
etnography, reflexivity, pandemicsAbstract
This article proposes an exercise in reflexivity around the particularities, difficulties and possibilities of ethnographic work in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic based on a specific research experience on safety in musical performances in the city of La Plata, Argentina. Throughout this work I expose, the state policies and the temporalities of the management of the pandemic in the country and the city to understand the general framework in which the field work was carried out. Secondly, I present the space where the field work was carried out. Thirdly, I present the way in which I understand ethnography and explore the methodology of the research carried out. Fourthly, I present some analyzes of the implications of the pandemic in the case worked on, recovering the perspective of the actors. Finally, I propose a reading of the particularities of ethnographic work in the context of the pandemic, this being both a context and a part of the object of study.
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