Hacking Bodies.

A virtualization of the Human





Bodies, Cyborg, Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Virtual



In 1953, DNA molecule structure was found, and the enigma of life was deciphered as a set of information codes of biochemical data; thenceforth the human being has been represented as an input and output information system and, it has been set a discourse that place the cyborg as an image that emphasize the opposition between technology and the living organism. This thesis will develop the idea that virtualization of the human body —it means that the materiality of body becomes virtual when its biological and organic condition is taken to the universe of information codes— consequently it is treating as a living computer system. The phenomenon of body hacking will be explored as a post and transhuman movement, to wonder about the processes of daily interaction between human beings and computer entities.


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Author Biography

  • Hermann Omar Amaya Velasco, Universidad de Guadalajara: Departamento de Filosofía y Sistema de Universidad Virtual

    Profesor universitario en el Departamento de Filosofía y el Sistema de Universidad Virtual de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Miembro del Cuerpo Académico de Teoría Crítica: análisis del Presente. Licenciado y maestro en Filosofía por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Doctor en Arte y Cultura por la Universidad de Guanajuato, egresado del Doctorado en Estética por la Universidad París X, Nanterre La Défense. Actual candidato a investigador nacional del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.


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How to Cite

Hacking Bodies. : A virtualization of the Human. (2023). Desde El Sur, 15(2), e0017. https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1502-2023-0017