CryptoPunks, accelerationism, technoscience and the overflow of capital




Agency, cybernetic culture, non human, accelerationism, Actor-Network Theory


This work is an investigation on the agency of non-human entities, in particular, of technology, through the case study of the community of collectors of CryptoPunks cryptoart. This undergoes a literature review on topics such as philosophy of technics by Simondon, Actor-Network Theory, assemblage theory by DeLanda, and accelerationism, which converge operationally in a relational view of what actants can do within an assemblage, and how cultural mutations enabled by technology are functional as vectors of acceleration for the creation of contemporary subjectivities, that are put forward to immanently overflow technocapital. The study concludes with the difficulty and complexity in localizing the agency of technology if cybernetic culture and the slavery it undergoes is not taken into account.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Camilo Ortiz-González, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Sociólogo la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Tiene estudios de Arquitectura en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano en Bogotá, pero desertó para embarcarse en una carrera en la que encontró intereses como la sociología de la técnica y el enfoque inhumanista. Además de su formación académica, se desempeña como músico.


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How to Cite

CryptoPunks, accelerationism, technoscience and the overflow of capital. (2023). Desde El Sur, 15(2), e0018.

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