The role of libraries in the time of Covid-19: reflections and proposals
COVID-19, Digital library, Childhood, Podcast, CultureAbstract
This essay reflects on the role of libraries in promoting access to literature and culture for children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. We begin with an examination of the initiatives aimed at this section of the public promoted by public libraries in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, between March and May 2020. This analysis reveals that the libraries’ digital actions were focused mainly on audiovisual material published on social media, in the form of reading mediation and storytelling. Libraries, it would appear, have not devoted the same effort to their role as curators of digital content, at a time when digital content has become the only option for many families. It is suggested, therefore, that libraries emphasize their curatorial role, and that they explore the podcast format as a possible medium for aesthetically and culturally valuable collaboration between libraries and their communities.
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