From Aristotle to happiness in public policy in Peru. Reflections from a study across two strata
Happiness, public policies, subjective wellbeing, Aris totle, happiness policies, Happiness, public policies, subjective welbeing, Aristotle, happiness policiesAbstract
Over the last decades, happiness has become an important subject addressed by several disciplines, leading to reflection on its possible application in public policies. An interdisciplinary team of researchers has brought together the most common notions associated with happiness in Peru, based on interviews with heads of households in the poorest and the wealthiest districts in the country. This paper will examine those findings from the Aristotelian theoretical framework, in order to provide a theoretical basis for possible public policies. The classical Aristotelian or Eudaimonism theory distinguishes between superficial and more profound conceptions of happiness. This article asserts that policies oriented to happiness foster full lives that include access to health, education and employment, and the encouragement of citizen solidarity, while demythologizing the idea that poor people only need or want money in order to be happy.
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