The Slavery Market in the City of Lima from the Mercurio Peruano, 1827 - 1832
Slaves, Lima, Market, Press, PricesAbstract
This paper analyzes the variables of age, sex, cost, and occupation, within a set of commercial advertisements of slave trade in Lima published in the journal El Mercurio Peruano (August 1827- December 1832). The study aims to delve into the dynamics and characteristics of slave trade’s supply and demand in the capital of Peru, at a time when both, international slave trade and internal social reproduction of slaves were inexistent. Commercial advertisements published within the pages of this republican newspaper shed light on the social contradictions of the time, since they were familiar to readers who felt these notices as part of their everyday life (hence, saw slavery and essential human inequality as natural), at the same time that they would defend the tenets of freedom and equality. In terms of methodology, this paper combines statistical methods with historical and discursive analysis.
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