Authorship criteria
Credited authorship implies responsibility for the results of the research. Therefore, credit for authorship should be conferred upon those persons who have contributed materially or intellectually to the writing of the article. The Revista Cientifica Odontológica follows the recommendations of the ICMJE (link) and adopts the following authorship criteria:
- That the individual has made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the study or to the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data.
- That the individual has participated in the design of the research or the critical revision of the content.
- That the individual has approved the final version of the article to be published.
- That the individual is able to assume responsibility for the findings contained in the article, guaranteeing that adequate research was conducted.
All persons who meet these four criteria should be considered as an author. Also, acknowledgement should be given to all persons who do not comply with the four criteria, but who made some contribution to the research.
The number of authors in accordance with the type of article is not expressly delimited; however, the editors of the journal may request from the corresponding author details of the participation of each one of the study’s authors, when the number of authors cited is considered excessive.
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