Without the need for anyone (except for the algorithm)
algorithm, internet governance, daily life, digitalization, cyberneticsAbstract
Given the current conditions of complexity, we consider it fundamental to question how to understand what is being implemented under the idea of the «new normal» in the formulation of daily life which implies its establishment. We recognize that this daily life has been expropriated from its actors through the most invasive and homogenizing technological operation that has operated globally until today, condensed in the conceptual character known as the «algorithm». The thesis of this essay argues that daily life in the so-called new normal is globally mediated by algorithm management and, in its effects, constitutes the establishment of a totalitarian and altericidal project of planetary character. In this sense, the purpose of this writing was to reflect on how this altericidal project underlies the establishment of a life channeled by «the algorithm» and its pretension of rationality. It is concluded that the current algorithmic governance and its digitalization consolidate the deprivation of human agency, which sets the urgency of looking for effective ways to intervene in this regard.
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