Media practices and collective memory: forced sterilisations in Peru and the modification of the Law of Integral Reparation (2012-2021)
Forced sterilizations, media practices, collective memory, comprehensive law on reparations, human rights, feminismAbstract
This article carries out a historical analysis from the perspective of cultural studies of media practices related to the case of forced sterilisations in Peru during the period between 2012 and 2021. It raises the question of the reasons why initiatives aimed at achieving justice and reparation, such as the registry of victims of forced sterilisations (REVIESFO) or the proposed modification of the Law of Integral Reparation (PIR), are not progressing. It examines the possible impact on the collective memory of forced sterilisations by groups that have denied these practices over time, as well as by human rights movements, feminists and collectives that have united in defence of women affected by these sterilisations. The methodology employed consisted of semi-structured interviews with political actors who participated in the process of modifying the PIR Law, together with an analysis of media practices during electoral elections and of groups or social movements that defend and seek justice on the case in virtual spaces. The methodological and theoretical approach focuses on cultural studies and collective memories present in social network environments.
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