Violence, presenteeism and academic absenteeism in LGBTIQ+ university students in Metropolitan Lima
University student, violence, sexual minorities, unexcused absenceResumo
The objective was to determine the prevalence and influence of violence on academic absenteeism and absenteeism in LGBTIQ+ university students in Metropolitan Lima and Callao. The methodology included a quantitative, non-experimental and correlational study, in a sample of 178 students, selected in a non-probabilistic snowball type, who met the selection criteria. The «Scale of violence against LGBTIQ+ students perpetrated by members of the university community» and «Academic absenteeism and absenteeism scales» were used, both of which have adequate psychometric properties. An adequate structural model is presented, demonstrating that violence significantly influences academic absenteeism and presenteeism. The results show the presence of psychological violence (40.4%), harassment (39.9%), stalking (20.8%) and sexual violence (12.4%). We conclude with the need to design and implement interventions to reduce violence against LGBTIQ+ university students and mitigate the impact on academic absenteeism and absenteeism.
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