Education and qualitative research

approaches to educational practice as a research object




Epistemology, Educational research, Qualitative research, Educational practice


This essay reflects on the relationship between qualitative research and the study of educational practice. Based on a review and analysis of scientific literature, it is argued that the need to study social practices, especially subaltern ones, is the context of legitimation of qualitative research in the social sciences and this allows us to identify a series of epistemological motives that constitute this approach. Educational practices are problematized from the notion of field proposed by Bourdieu. As central conclusions, the theoretical and epistemological implications of approaching the practices of educational agents from a qualitative approach are argued. The need to strengthen the epistemological, theoretical and ethical-political discussion of research on educational practices is emphasized, and a set of questions that could guide the study of teachers’ reality are problematized.


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Author Biographies

  • Igor Valderrama Maguiña, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú

    Master's Degree in Teaching for Higher Education from the Andrés Bello University (UNAB). Graduated in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Studies in Psychoanalysis at the New School of Lacanian orientation (NEL-Lima). Currently, he is completing his doctoral studies in Educational Sciences at the PUCP. Head of research at the Scientific University of the South (UCSUR). Specialist in teacher training issues and research involving an interdisciplinary approach to teaching practice (UNESCO, Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University-UARM). MINEDU specialist in charge of the design and validation of standardized tests for basic education teachers. Teaching experience in secondary education, undergraduate and postgraduate.

  • María Elena Pease Dreibelbis, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú

    Master in Cognition, Learning and Development from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Graduated from the Special Bachelor's Program in Artistic Education for secondary school at PUCP and Bachelor of Plastic Arts specializing in Painting, from the same university. Doctoral student in Educational Sciences at PUCP. She has held academic-administrative management positions at various universities, such as Director of Educational Innovation (UPAL), Director of Educational Quality (UTP) and Director of University Life (UPC). Teaching experience in basic education, undergraduate and postgraduate, in addition to more than 15 years of editorial experience for the development of educational materials. Consultant on issues of teacher development, didactics in higher education and development of artistic education skills. Current pedagogical advisor in schools; Professor in the master's degree in Higher Education with a mention in Teaching and University Research and in the undergraduate course in Performing Arts at the Universidad Científica del Sur, as well as at the School of Higher Pedagogical Education Innova Teaching School (ITS).


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How to Cite

Education and qualitative research: approaches to educational practice as a research object. (2024). Desde El Sur, 16(1), e0016.

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