About the Journal

Desde el Sur (ISSN print version: 2076-2674; ISSN online version: 2415-0959) is a peer-reviewed journal from the Innovation, Research and Development Directorate of the Scientific University of the South (Lima, Peru) founded in 2009 and currently appearing four times per year. It publishes new social sciences articles, essays, and reviews (hereinafter “articles”) written by researchers worldwide from the perspective of Latin America or with a focus on the region. The areas of particular focus are education, gender studies, political science, anthropology, sociology, critical cultural studies, creative and cultural industries, and communication and media studies. The electronic version of Desde el Sur is free of charge.

Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): Voices and places from Abya Yala


  • Voices and places from Abya Yala

    Ana Lúcia Tettamanzy
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0001



  • A pedagogical approach to social innovation processes Communication perspectives

    Claudia Isabel Ortiz, Marta Daniela Gurvich, César Rogelio Zuccarino
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0009
  • Militarization: control and violence in the Honduras school, a contradiction in education for peace

    Percy Emanuel Mejia-Elvir
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0010
  • Attacks and politics: Assassination of General Schneider, and its impact on the Spanish press

    Alfonso Díaz Aguad, Raúl Bustos González
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0011
  • Women as a territory of dispossession: extractivism, femicides and gender violence in northern Chile

    Andrea Ibacache-Corante
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0012
  • Incidence of Institutional Management on the Well-being of Students of the National University of Loja (Ecuador)

    Alex Moreno
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0013
  • Crisis and political imbalance during the Fujimori regime. The role of the political caricature. 1998-2000

    Carlos Rodrigo Infante Yupanqui
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0014
  • Multisensory stimulation in the Snoezelen room for the sensory integration of students with disabilities in a CEBE in Huánuco (Peru), 2023

    José Luis Malpartida Repetto, Celia Consuelo Menzala Peralta
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0015


  • Education and qualitative research approaches to educational practice as a research object

    Igor Valderrama Maguiña, María Elena Pease Dreibelbis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0016
  • The bubble filter and the right to information on the web

    Ronald Regan Lopez Julca, Félix Julca Guerrero , Laura Nivin Vargas, Wendy Allauca Castillo , Luis Robles Trejo, Elmer Robles Blacido
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0017
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