Uncovering the unequal access to English language learning in the high schools of the Province of Copiapó





English language teaching, Chile, Bilingüe, SIMCE, inequality, assessment


In 2004, ‘Chile bilingüe’ marked the launch of a system  for teaching English in Chile. The goal of this language policy is to provide students with an intermediate profi ciency level upon graduation. Proficiency is measured by  the ‘SIMCE de inglés’ national test, with the results indica ting a gap between private and public sector institutions.  It is in this context that this article addresses this gap, fo cusing on the issue as revealed by the ‘SIMCE’ results in the  province of Copiapó, as well as offering suggestions on  how the gap could be narrowed. The methodology emplo yed to conduct this research is a multi-method approach,  involving surveys and archival studies. The results indica te a correlation between student numbers, resources and  teaching hours, and proficiency results among students. In  addition, teachers provide suggestions on how to address  the problem. The aim of this study is to suggest ways of  making English teaching more equitable, as well as encou raging further research on the topic. 


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Author Biographies

  • Elizabeth Torrico-Ávila, Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Educación, Observatorio de Educación, Sociedad y Cultura, Universidad de Atacama. Atacama, Chile
    Magíster en Lingüística, en Traducción y en Enseñanza del Inglés para Hablantes de Otros Idiomas (TESOL). Doctora en Lenguas Modernas.
  • Cristina Ibarbe González, Departamento de Idiomas, Universidad de Atacama. Atacama, Chile
    Máster (c) Universitario en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Master’s degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
  • Fabiola Pacheco Collao, Departamento de Idiomas, Universidad de Atacama. Atacama, Chile

    Licenciada en Educación y Pedagogía en Inglés.

  • Renee Schreiber, Departamento de Idiomas, Universidad de Atacama. Atacama, Chile
    MA in Education, Curriculum Design and Instruction of English as a Second Language and Spanish.
  • Susana Ralph, Departamento de Idiomas, Universidad de Atacama. Atacama, Chile

    Magíster en Educación, con mención en Evaluación Basada en Competencias.


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How to Cite

Uncovering the unequal access to English language learning in the high schools of the Province of Copiapó . (2021). Desde El Sur, 13(3), e0031. https://doi.org/10.21142/DES-1303-2021-0031

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